Saturday, May 30, 2009

Misspelled Words

It really irks me that so many people cannot spell congratulations. I was walking by a car in a parking lot today, and on the back of it, it read, "Congradulations class of '09." Why do so many people think there is a D in congratulations?

Another thing that bothers me is when people spell things wrong on signs. When I went to school in Florida, I lived on campus and there were always signs on the hallway walls. When I saw them misspelled, I would go back to my room, get a pen, and cross it out and put the right letters. It's embarrassing to be in college and see misspelled signs all around campus.

Now I'll admit that I mess up now and then, but it's usually just typos.

All this talk about misspelled words reminds me of a funny story. My old roommate got a tattoo our freshman year, and she wanted it to say unforgettable on her wrist. She came home and showed it to me and it looked like this:

It's hard to see, but it says, "unforgetable." I asked her, doesn't unforgettable have two ts? It does. She had to go back to the tattoo artist to get another t drawn in. It was pretty funny.


  1. No fake! When I misspell words, it's on pruposse.

    What I really hate is when you git notes from the teachurs at you're kids skool that read like they never took spelin' (and we have hee-hawed over many). That REALLY, REALLY givs me kaws for concern.

  2. Mmmmmmm.... check out ur own blog on april 14 .... "I lived on campus and there were soda fountains in the cafeteria. I knew that if I didn't cut soda out of my diet, I would drink it at practically every meal and gain a lot of wait."
