Thursday, May 28, 2009

Party of One

The love of my life left today. He's gone to boot camp. He left Tuesday, but he couldn't be processed to leave because it was so busy. Tuesday night, he was in the hotel and I was all alone in the house. It was very empty without him here. Soon after he left, I started putting away his shoes, his clothes, and all of the things he left out. I wasn't sure if it would be harder to put them away or harder to look at them and know that he wasn't coming home for a while. Hopefully I'll be able to remember where everything is when he comes back.

Going to sleep Tuesday night was difficult. Crying a lot wears me out, but I kept waking up in the night. Then in the morning, I woke up much earlier than I was planning to, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I was hoping to have a full day with plenty to do so I wouldn't be focusing on him being gone, but for a good hour and half I didn't really have anything to do.

On Wednesday, he called me and gave me the wonderful news that I would get to see him one more time before he left. V and I picked him up around 3 (I was afraid I would get lost if I drove by myself; we got lost anyway because my baby accidentally gave us the wrong directions). She brought us home, and I took him to lunch before we drove around so he could say goodbye a second time to everyone.

Then he and I came home to spend the rest of the day and the night together. We woke up early this morning, and I brought him back to where he was supposed to be. After a second tearful goodbye (on my part, not his), I left him and came home to an empty house.

He should be on a plane to Fort Benning sometime today. He's really excited about boot camp, and I hope he enjoys himself. I'll be waiting impatiently for his first letter and counting down the days until he's home again.

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