Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vet Visit

I took Kitty to the vet yesterday. Well, after I finally found it... My gps told me to turn left in the middle of a field, and there was no vet there. But I did find it, and I took her in, and me and V tried to keep her from being too terrified of all the dogs running around. When I took her into the exam room, I let her explore, hoping it would calm her down a little. It didn't work. She explored, but she knew something was up. She wouldn't even drink out of the faucet when I ran it for her. I told the vet she has worms, and he believed me and gave her a shot. I have to give her a pill in two weeks to make sure they're completely gone. Then I can take my pills and get rid of my worms!


  1. EEEuuuuuuu --- you got worms and told everyone about it?????? ICK!!!!

  2. Hey Anonymous, not EVERYBODY in the world thinks that NOBODY else has ever had worms...It's not like she's a pedophile, or a serial killer and told everybody...

    It's just worms. I'm just saying...

  3. Having worms is an illness just like any other; there's no shame in getting sick...

  4. From a YAHOO article:

    How you get rid of worms depends greatly upon what kind of worms you think you or your pet may have. Now is when the questions arises, can I get worms from my cat or dog? The answer is yes, but in most cases, it would take a bit of work to actually contract the same worm. For instance, in order to get tapeworm you would have to somehow digest a flea that had eaten tapeworm eggs that had come out of your dog or cat's feces. Similarly, in order to get roundworm, you have to come into contact with and digest some of your pet's fecal matter in order to get the eggs into your system. Hookworm infections are rare in the States because we wear shoes, and a great number of human infections by hookworm are caused by walking on the feces of an infected individual--this is quite common in developing countries. Anyway, you've come here hoping to learn how to get rid of worms, otherwise known as intestinal parasites or intestinal worms. Below, I've described 5 of the most common "worms" that people and pets can get here in the United States, along with the most effective cure for worms, and a link to a more in depth article we've written about each worm--where you'll find more information about the worm's lifecycle and more detailed information about avoiding worm infection and getting rid of worms.


  5. Life is disgusting. The sooner you get over it, the happier you'll be.
