Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Waffles Coming Out of My Ears

When I go to Coldstone, I do my best to avoid actually working with the customers. I'm not exactly your role model if you want to learn customer service. I don't mind working with customers...now and then. But Coldstone almost always has a steady line that lasts forever. Many times, it goes out the door. So I have devised my work avoidance plan: Do everything else. Most times, I never run out of other things to do. I fill spoons, fill ice cream, fill napkins and cups and straws, I wash dishes, clean the front counters, prep food, take away all of the empty containers from the front, and finally, make waffles. If I run out of these things to do, I help customers...until I need to start all over again. And really, I prefer doing all of those things to actually making ice cream. I'm kind of a quiet person (understatement), so singing and lots of talking and socializing...not my thing. So naturally, I make a lot of waffles. The other day, I was walking to my car after my shift and I had an itch in my ear. I scratched off some dried waffle batter and ta da...waffles coming out of my ears!

1 comment:

  1. Don't blame ya' Kiddo! What's the old saying? Life would be fabulous if it wasn't for all those "people."

    "People" can really mess up a good day. I think I'd rather have waffles running out of my ears than gray matter...
