Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time of Death: 1:16 pm

My phone kicked the bucket today. I knew it was coming. I just didn't know it was coming so soon.

The phone is two weeks old. The past few days, it has been doing weird things such as turning off when I went too long without messing with it, thinking it was still open when it was actually shut (my sister heard a whole conversation between me and a friend about Buffy because I closed my phone when she didn't answer, and it showed up in her voicemail), and not sending text messages. Today, I finished substituting, came home, and my phone was off. I had to pronounce it dead. It's being stubborn and won't turn back on.

The love of my life had a great solution: go to the ATT store and let them take care of it. However, since we set up our plan and bought our phones online, the ATT people need the box the phone came in, all the papers that came with it, and the UPS box the phones were delivered in...

I threw all that away. Who keeps that? I only kept the phone guides, in case we wanted to know how someting works on our phone.

So I am phoneless; it's a scary prospect in today's technology dependent world. But somehow, we will fix this.

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